Services and facilities at the Social Science Library

A woman reading a newspaper on a blue sofa

This page provides details of general services at the Social Science Library. We also offer a variety of ways to get the resources you need, as well as training and workshops, data services, bookable discussion rooms and services for course convenors.



Print, Copy and Scan (PCAS)

The SSL has 3 Print, Copy and Scan (PCAS) machines for self-service photocopying, printing and scanning. Find out more about PCAS and how to manage your account.



Binding machine

The binding machine is in the Print & Copy Room. We provide a cover sheet (a choice of plastic or plastic-free), a recycled card backing sheet and a comb. These are currently available free of charge from our issue desk.

You can find instructions next to the machine, for download (Word, 342Kb) or on YouTube. If you have any problems with the binding machine, please go to the issue desk.



Connect to the internet

Bodleian Libraries Wi-Fi networks are available in this library. Find out more about the available networks and how to connect.



Use library computers

The Bodleian Social Science Library has over 50 networked PCs for reader use. As well as the standard range of software available on Bodleian Libraries PCs, the computers at the SSL are equipped with ArcGIS geospatial analysis software. Further additional software is available on the computers in the Data Area.

Find out more about using library PCs. For readers without a Bodleian Libraries login, internet access is provided through three quick access terminals, also known as ‘Quick Search’ PCs. One can be found at the library entrance and the other two by the periodicals section. Web browsing on these machines is restricted to an ‘allowed list’ of sites.



Research support

If you have a research enquiry, you can contact one of our subject consultants to arrange an appointment.

We also offer a wide range of subject guides to help you find key print and online resources for your subject, and training and workshops to improve your information skills and help you with aspects of your research.




Equipment and stationery are available to borrow and purchase from the SSL.  

The library has a range of technology for accessing older formats of information. The Large Discussion Room has a Sony television with headphones, a JVC VCR player and a Toshiba DVD player.

Monitors for laptops

The library has ten 24” (60.5cm) monitors which readers can use to plug in their own laptops and other devices. The monitors have USB/USB-C, HDMI and DisplayPort connections, and readers can borrow an HDMI or USB-C cable from the issue desk.

Eight monitors are located at the back of our main PC area (on the desks by the windows) and two are located in our Silent Study Room.

Microfilm and microfiche readers

The library has equipment for reading microformats. Instructions for these devices are available from the Issue Desk.

  • Seiko MS6000 mk2 combined microfilm and microfiche reader
  • Adem Lib 100 microfilm reader