Contact and support at the Social Science Library

Rows of desks with purple separators between them


Library staff are available to help you make best use of library and information resources and services, so please do ask if you need assistance. You can ask at the issue desk or use the contact details below.  

For enquiries and renewals, you can call the Social Science Library on +44 (0)1865 271093. You can also contact the Social Science Library by email:

If you are having difficulty with any aspect of IT in the SSL, please speak to a member of staff. For help with more complicated IT problems, Oxford University IT Support is available 24 hours a day. You can also try contacting your college's IT officer.

View the full list of Social Science Library staff.


We welcome feedback and are keen to maintain an active and responsive dialogue with all our users. Your suggestions will enable us to continue to improve our services, facilities and collections.

You can leave library feedback in several ways: