Services and facilities at the Law Library

This page provides information about services at the Law Library. We also offer training and courses, research services, services to the Law Faculty and a document supply service.



Print, Copy and Scan (PCAS)

Bodleian Libraries Print, Copy and Scan (PCAS) facilities are available in this library. The library has 5 self-service machines for readers to use. There are 3 in the PCAS room on Level 2. There is one machine on Level 3, and one on the ground floor. Find out more about how to use PCAS and manage your PCAS account.



Connect to Wi-Fi

Bodleian Libraries Wi-Fi covers most of the library, although there are some spots where it may not be as strong. Find out more about the available networks and how to connect



Connect to Ethernet

There are Ethernet sockets throughout the library for connecting to library internet. If you need to borrow an Ethernet cable, you may sign one out at the enquiry desk. 



Use library computers

The library has 40 public access computers. Find out more about using Bodleian Libraries PCs. There are also ‘Quick Search’ terminals that allow you to access the catalogue (SOLO) and internet without a login. The IT Training Room on the ground floor is sometimes used for training or classes, but when it is not in use readers are welcome to use its computers. The Small Computer Room on the ground floor has 6 computers available to readers. Postgraduate readers have access to the library PC in the Graduate Reading Room.



Request and reserve material

There are over 8 million items held in the Bodleian Libraries offsite storage. You can request and reserve items for delivery to the Law Library. Find out more about how to place a request



LawBod 4 Students (LB4S)

LB4S provides access to scanned copies of reading list articles, cases and chapters in books that are not currently available online through legal databases or ORLO. Copies of scans can be found by subject on Canvas.

If you would like to make a request for a reading to appear on this Canvas site, please email .



Inter-library requests

The Bodleian Libraries offer an inter-library request service for members of the University and to libraries outside Oxford University. If an item you need is not available in an Oxford library, find out more about making an inter-library request.


The Bodleian Law Library accepts requests for book loans and photocopies from UK libraries paying through a British Library account, or from libraries paying with IFLA vouchers. We are not able to accept requests from libraries or individuals paying on receipt of an invoice. Please send your requests to:

Bodleian Law Library
St. Cross Building
Manor Road

British Library Code: OX/U15

Telephone: +44 (0)1865 271452
Fax: +44 (0)1865 271475