Law Library for disabled readers

A long row of wooden bookshelves either side of a walkway, a student stands at the end reading


The Bodleian Law Library is situated in the St. Cross Building, Manor Road. All parking in the St. Cross Building car park is for University car park permit holders only. Parking for Blue Badge holders who have University car park permits is available at the St. Cross Building. If you do not have a permit, please contact the St. Cross Building Porters’ Lodge on 01865 271481 in advance to request a visitor's permit.

The main entrance to the Law Library is at second floor level via a set of 36 steps with two terrace breaks.  

For readers with mobility difficulties, there is an alternative entrance at the front of the building to the right of the main staircase. This entrance has both a concrete ramp and separate stepped access. This door is kept locked for security reasons, but there is a push-pad telephone to call the porters for assistance and access. Your University or Bodleian Reader card can be set up to access this door. Please ask the porters to arrange this, and to show you the route to the library. If you prefer, contact the library and a member of staff will meet you outside.

Lift access is available to all floors for all readers. In the event of fire, the library lift will deactivate. However, there are alert buttons in stairwell refuges to summon help. Disabled visitors should ask to be taken on a tour of the safety features and fill out a personal emergency evacuation plan.

Accessible toilets are available throughout the building. There are no toilets in the library; the nearest toilets are through an archway close to the library entrance.

For more detailed accessibility information, visit the University Access Guide

Services and support

Disability Liaison Officer
Kathryn Tyne
01865 271462  

The Bodleian Law Library provides onsite facilities and equipment for readers with disabilities. We are flexible and will do our best to meet individual requirements. Library staff will facilitate access to books where appropriate.   

If you have concerns about noise, foot traffic, crowds, temperature, etc. please contact us. We will be happy to give you a tour of the library and to advise you on the relative merits of different rooms, floors and areas.

Find out more about the support available from the Bodleian Libraries.

Ergonomic equipment

We have 4 adjustable desks and a variety of seating options. You may borrow book stands and laptop stands from the enquiry desk, and we can arrange different types of mouse and keyboard where needed. Please tell us if you are physically uncomfortable working in the library and we will work with you to find a solution.

We offer the following equipment and software:

  • daylight lamp
  • acetate coloured sheets to lay over print
  • Kurzweil and Zoomtext   
  • hand-held and hands-free magnifiers

Rooms are available for using your own voice-activated computer, audio-visual equipment, or listening to a helper reading.  

A portable RNID Ezee loop is at the enquiry desk. This must be used away from the entrance due to feedback from the security gates. Please ask if you would like to use the loop and we can talk to you in a discussion or computer room.