Our work
The mission of the Bodleian Libraries is ‘to provide an excellent service to support the learning, teaching and research objectives of the University of Oxford; and to develop and maintain access to Oxford's unique collections for the benefit of scholarship and society’.
We support the learning, teaching and research endeavours of the University through the provision of information collections, curated spaces to study, specialist services and expert staff.
Highlights of our work in academic year 2023–4
- We saw a continued return to physical use of libraries. Visits numbered 1,933,041, a 14% increase on last year. The most visited libraries this year were the Old Library and the Radcliffe Camera, with 681,398 visits, the highest figures since records began eleven years ago.
- In response to the conflict in Israel, Gaza and the Middle East, the University is developing a portfolio of educational services. The Bodleian Libraries was in the vanguard of developments with a portal (in both English and Arabic) for displaced scholars to access our services, including Open Access resources, Digital Bodleian assets and Scan & Deliver.
- We increased access to our digital collections with two new initiatives. The first was a new search interface to search manuscripts and archives across the University of Oxford in one place – MARCO. The second was two new collection portals on the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) to pull together the latest research from the University on the topics of climate change and AI.
- We saw 15 millon downloads of our e-journal articles, a 8% increase on the previous academic year and the highest figure ever.
- In continued response to the Reader Survey (2022) and in line with Bodleian Libraries Strategy, this year saw several developments to the Libraries’ estate. October saw the re-opening of the Radcliffe Science Library to much acclaim – with high footfall and positive student feedback. Thanks to philanthropic support, we have also been able to address comments about the comfort of study environments in the Radcliffe Camera.
- Yet again, there was an increase in demand for services for disabled students, with the number of students receiving specialised library support increasing from 2,442 to 3,267.
- One of the guiding principles of the Bodleian Libraries Strategy is ‘we will foster and value inclusion and diversity in everything we do’. This informs all our services and is linked to the Libraries’ work around student wellbeing and developing a sense of belonging. Our flagship project, ‘We Are Our History: Towards racial equity’, was the winner in this year’s Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

The inside of the Radcliffe Camera – one of our most used spaces

One of the new reading rooms in the Radcliffe Science Library

A photograph from one of the We Are Our History events – the display Mischief in the Archives. Photo credit Ian Wallman
Full scope of our work
Each academic year the Bodleian Libraries details its work in its ‘Service Catalogue’.
This document covers:
- services provided to members of the University of Oxford and Bodleian Reader Card holders;
- how the service offer supports the University’s strategic priorities;
- usage of the services in the previous year;
- impact of the services on members of the University of Oxford and Bodleian Reader Card holders;
- action taken or planned in response to feedback about aspects of the service offer;
- priorities for development over the coming year.
Download the full service catalogue for 2023–4 (PDF)