Online data services

Bloomberg Professional

A subscription service that makes available financial information, news, reports, data and analysis. It contains near real-time and historical financial information on individual equities, stock market indices, fixed-income securities, commodities, currencies, and futures for both international and domestic markets. Data can be downloaded into excel. The service features an integrated set of indepth tutorials which should be used and understood by first time users.


Access is by a dedicated PC in the Sainsbury Library and open to current University staff and researchers (blue card holders) only.


Eikon is a financial market intelligence database and a set of financial analysis tools which replaces Thomson Reuters’ previous products ‘Datastream’ and ‘Thomson One’. It provides information on markets, indices, company and economic information and historical financial data via access to trusted, up to the minute and accurate content from more than 5 million securities world-wide. Coverage includes pricing data, research, fundamentals, financial estimates, news, and charts.


Contact the Sainsbury Library ( to request a Remote ID.

GESIS: MISSY (Microdata Information System)

Part of the service infrastructure of the German Microdata Lab, MISSY is an online service platform that provides structured metadata for official statistics. It includes metadata at the study and variable level as well as reports and tools for data handling and analysis. All documentation in MISSY refers to EU and national (German microcensus) microdata available for scientific purposes.

For EU-LFS microdata users MISSY offers SPSS- and STATA routines, which transfer the EU-LFS 1999-2016 ad hoc csv-files to SPSS/Stata data files. View latest updates.

Social Data Science Lab

An ESRC Data Investment, part of the Big Data Network for the social sciences, the Social Data Science Lab brings together crime, social, computer, and statistical scientists to study the empirical, methodological, theoretical and technical dimensions of new and emerging forms of data in social, policy and business contexts. This empirical social data science programme is complemented by a focus on ethics and the development of new methodological tools and technical solutions for the UK academic, public and private sectors.

The lab develops and supports the COSMOS Open Data Analytics software, that provides ethical access to social media data for social science researchers.


A browser-based tool developed by the UK Data Service for exploration of a number of its key macro data collections. It is an attempt to integrate analysis and visualisation with the point of data access.


Access on the UK Data Service, using your SSO to access the full portfolio
