Textual and audio-visual analysis

Textual or mixed method analytical programs are often grouped together under the title of ‘computer assisted qualitative data analysis software’ (CAQDAS). Further information about CAQDAS software can be found on the University of Huddersfield's Online QDA website.


Atlas.ti offers similar tools to analyse and code a wide range of text and audio visual data and it is also useful for geo-spatial data.


Trial licences available from ATLAS.ti.


Atlas.ti at ITLC's Portfolio.


Digital Scholar Lab

A cloud-based research environment that allows students and researchers to apply natural language processing tools to raw text data (OCR) from Gale's Primary Sources in a single research platform.


  • Available to Bodleian Libraries readers through Gale.
  • Requires registration before use.


Watch the webinar to find out how to create a content set, clean text, and run an analysis in the lab.


This is an alternative to Nvivo and handles a similar range of data types allowing organisation, colour coding and retrieval of data. Text, audio or video may equally be dealt with by this software package. A range of data visualisation tools are also included.


Trial licences available from MAXQDA.



NVivo is a software package created to deal with qualitative or mixed methods data such as interviews and focus groups. This may either be in the form of text transcriptions or certain types of audio and video recordings. It allows extensive annotation and segmentation of data as part of organisation, categorisation and analysis.

