This page is a guide to records and information that the Oxford University Archives do not hold, but about which we often receive enquiries. The guide aims to give you further information about where you might find these records. Where possible, links have been given to websites of other bodies which hold related records.
The University Archives is not responsible for the content of these sites.
University clubs and societies
Records of University clubs, where they have been deposited, are held by the Bodleian Library Department of Special Collections. Enquires about these should be sent to It is also possible that the records have not been deposited and remain with the club itself. A list of current University clubs and societies can be found on the University clubs and societies webpage.
Personal papers
The University Archives holds only the administrative records of the University itself. It does not collect personal papers of former members of the University. If these have been deposited with the University, it is likely that they are held by the Bodleian Library Department of Special Collections; enquiries to which should be sent to Alternatively, personal papers may have been deposited with the individual's former college (see 'College archives' for details).
Women students
In addition to the records of women students that we hold, there are a number of additional sources available. The records of the Association for the Education of Women in Oxford (the AEW) are held elsewhere in the Department of Special Collections. The catalogue is available online. The University research project ‘Education and Activism: Women at Oxford 1878–1920' has a range of sources available concerning women students in Oxford before they were able to become members of the University in 1920. The University’s ‘Women Making History’ webpages celebrate the centenary of the admission of women to the University and provide links to further sources.
College archives
The colleges in Oxford maintain their own archives. Contact details, with descriptions of the holdings of some colleges, are available from the Oxford College Archives website. A full list of colleges can also be found on the University website.
Archives of the Bodleian Library
The catalogue of the Bodleian’s own archives (known as Library Records) is available online. Please see the individual catalogue entries for details on how to order this material.
Oxford University Press
The Press maintains its own archives. Further information can be found on the OUP Archives website.
Current information about the University today
For current information about the University, please contact the University News and Information Office.
Current contact details for former students
We do not hold any details of current addresses or contact details for former students. The University Alumni Office may be able to assist.