Support for Palestinian scholars and students

Support for Palestinian scholars and students

Services and open access resources from the Bodleian Libraries in Oxford to support scholars and students in, or displaced from, Gaza and the West Bank.

Scanning service for scholars and students in Gaza and the West Bank

Scan and deliver is our on-demand digitisation service for printed books and journals held by the Bodleian Libraries.

You can request PDF scans of one chapter per book or one article per journal from our library collections and we'll email it to you for free.

What is in our library collections

We have extensive collections in English. We also have smaller collections in other languages, including Arabic. You can search in our library catalogue SOLO (opens in a new window) to find material you want to request.

How to register

For individuals

To access this service, you'll need to register for it.

  1. Complete our registration form (English only) (link opens in a new window).
  2. We will process your registration within 7 working days (Monday – Friday).
  3. If successful, we will email you the log in details to use the service.

For institutions

We would like to partner with universities in the West Bank to expand this service. Please email us if you would like more information:

How the service works

  1. Go to the library catalogue SOLO (opens in a new window).
  2. On the top right select 'Sign in'.
  3. Select 'Other Bodleian Card Holders'.
  4. Put in your log in details.
  5. Search for the relevant book or journal article.
  6. Under the record go to the 'Find and Request' section.
  7. Select 'Scan and deliver button' and complete the details for the chapter or article you would like scanned.
  8. If there are multiple copies of the book or article, click on each library entry until you see the 'Scan and deliver' button.
  9. Your request will be emailed to you as a PDF within 7 working days (Monday – Friday).

Terms and conditions

  • You can place up to 2 requests at any one time.
  • You can only request up to one chapter or article from a book or journal issue – this is governed by UK copyright legislation.
  • Your request is for individual research use only, and may not be shared, distributed or posted elsewhere online.
  • We will only use your personal details to contact you about this service if needed:

Contact us

For questions about this service – including registering and help finding items – please email:

Please write in English if possible as this will help us to answer you as quickly as we can.


Other resources from Oxford

Open access material

  • Use our library catalogue SOLO to search for open access material. Select the “Open Access” filter to return results that are available to anyone.
  • Search the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) for free access to articles, dissertations and theses by University of Oxford academics and research students.
  • Use Digital Bodleian to explore over a million images of rare books and manuscripts from the Bodleian Libraries and Oxford colleges.

Online material

  • All journals and most books and online products from Oxford University Press are now available on Research4Life. This platform is available to affiliated institutions.

Training handouts

Handouts from our information skills and research training are freely available.

You can find information on a range of areas including:

Access to our librarians

If you have specific subject research enquiries, reach out to one of our subject librarians to help you.