Using the John Johnson Collection

Online access

You should first check whether the material you wish to consult is available online, through:

Where surrogates exist, you will be asked to use these. The ProQuest project is available free of charge from anywhere in the UK and by institutional subscription (only) elsewhere. Other projects are free to all. Check our information page about finding aids, or contact us.  

Research visits

If the material you need to consult is not available online, the collection may be consulted by appointment only.   


To consult material in the John Johnson Collection, you will need a category ‘A’ Bodleian Reader card. Find out more about how to apply for a card, including access to special collections material.  

Ordering material

All material must be ordered through the Librarian. You must allow time for it to arrive in the reading room. Contact the Librarian ( to discuss your visit, the material to be ordered, and to make an appointment.  

Printed ephemera are consulted in the Rare Books and Manuscripts Reading Room at the Weston Library. You can find opening hours for the Weston Library on its homepage. Read the reading room rules, and guidance on handling special collections material. 

Taking photos

Readers may use personal digital cameras to photograph materials in the John Johnson Collection. This is subject to condition and copyright and all requests must be submitted to the Librarian of the John Johnson Collection or (in her absence) nominated staff.

Full details relating to the use of digital cameras are given in our guide to photographing special collections.  Please note that these images are for research use only and may not be published.

Find out more about ordering images.