Borrowing at the Taylor Institution Library

Three students sit around a wooden desk. They are in conversation. There is a bookshelf on one side of the room and large windows on another

From 29 July, a maintenance project will be taking place in the Taylor Institution Library basement for approximately 6 weeks. During this time, parts of the basement will be closed from 5–7pm, and there will be no access at any time to the central section of the Slavonic and Modern Greek research collections for the duration of the project. The library will also be closed on Saturday 3 August, Saturday 10 August and Saturday 17 August. Ahead of the move, there may be some disruption in the basement as staff prepare the area. If you have any queries, please contact the Librarian-in-Charge, Joanne Ferrari (, or Taylor Enquiries (


Who may borrow?

  • All current members of the University with a (blue-stripe) University card may borrow from the Taylor Institution Library.  
  • Current members of the University are automatically pre-registered as members of the library.
  • Bodleian Reader card holders may not borrow from the library. 

What can be borrowed?

  • Most books from both the Teaching and Research collections can be borrowed.  
  • Books which cannot be borrowed are usually marked ‘Library Use Only’ on SOLO. Open-shelf reference works, periodicals, older (pre-1900) materials and rare or fragile items cannot be borrowed.
  • For more information about items that are confined to the library, please ask library staff.  

How to borrow

To borrow items, please bring them to a staff member at the issue desk, along with your University card. Alternatively, you may use the self-issue machine which is located next to the issue desk. 

Borrowing allowances and loan periods

Our borrowing policy applies across all Bodleian Libraries that offer lending, including the Taylor Institution Library. Find out more about borrowing from the Bodleian Libraries, including how many items you can borrow, loan periods and automatic renewals. Your borrowing allowance includes films as well as books. 

Vacation borrowing for most items begins on Monday of 8th Week each term.

Borrowing films

The film collections are open to all those studying and teaching film in the Faculties of English and Modern Languages, as well as those using film to support other courses or research across the University.

Films may be borrowed for educational purposes only. Commercial copyright regulations strictly forbid the copying of DVDs and videos.

The library has a small film viewing room on the first floor of the Teaching Collection, with facilities to watch Blu-rays, DVDs and VHS tapes. For booking information, please see our Services page

Renew and return

Lost books

If you lose a book belonging to the library, please let us know as soon as possible. You can provide us with a replacement edition, or we can invoice you for the cost of a replacement. The cost of replacing any library item which is lost, damaged or defaced will be charged to the reader responsible. For books which are not in print, a standard charge will be levied. In addition, a £5 charge to cover processing, handling and administration will be levied. The original copy remains the property of the Institution.