Contacts and support at the Music Faculty Library

A detail of the spiral staircase


Library staff at the Music Faculty Library are very happy to help with enquiries. We can assist you with literature searches, finding source materials, using library catalogues, databases, e-journals, etc. 

You can visit the library desk, or contact us by phone (01865 276148) or email ( You can also arrange a one-to-one session with the Music Subject Librarian ( or 01865 276146 or 277064).

Updates from the library

You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest news from the MFL.  

Leave feedback

Is there something you’d like to tell the MFL? Please help us to improve our service by leaving some feedback. You can find a comments and suggestions book in the library, and the librarians are always happy to hear from you via email, phone or in person.

Library staff

Music Librarian

Mr Martin Holmes

Deputy Music Librarian and Disability Liaison Librarian

Mr Tom Halvarsson

Senior Library Assistant

Rachael Seculer-Faber

Library Assistant

Mr Tigger Burton

Library Assistant (part-time)

Mrs Valerie Coupland

Library committee

The Committee for Library Provision and Strategy (CLiPS) in Music provides guidance and advice to the Music Librarian concerning library matters for the study and teaching of Music throughout the University, but especially concerning music provision in the Bodleian Music Faculty Library and the Bodleian Library. Matters for discussion can be raised with the appropriate representatives or through library staff. The committee meets at 4pm on the Tuesday of Third Week in each term.

Items for discussion typically include:

  • library strategy and policies
  • library services
  • provision of collections (printed and electronic)
  • inductions and user education
  • feedback and queries from student representatives and Faculty members

The membership of the CLiPS includes:

  • the Music Librarian and Deputy Music Librarian
  • faculty members
  • the Bodleian Humanities Librarian
  • a college librarian representative
  • 2 student representatives (1 undergraduate and 1 graduate)
  • the CLiPS chair is normally the Chair of the Music Faculty Board