Using the Knowledge Centre



Oxford University staff and students have full access to the four Bodleian Health Care Libraries and their resources, and can borrow items.



  • Non-HCL Bodleian Reader card holders can use the library within staffed hours during University of Oxford vacations (dates of term), but may not borrow items. Find out more about how to apply for a Bodleian Reader card.  
  • Other readers can use the libraries according to the service level agreement between the library and the employing organization.


  • Staff and students in the Oxford Brookes University Faculty of Health and Life Sciences can become non-borrowing members of the Bodleian Health Care Libraries.  
  • If you are employed by an eligible organization and are a Brookes student on a part-time course you may be entitled to full membership. Please contact us for more details.
  • Library staff can take registrations during staffed hours.  
  • Our large collection of books and journals is searchable via SOLO, and you can access OBU web resources and a selection of our e-journals and databases from library PCs (licenses permitting). 

Using this library

  • The Knowledge Centre is in the Old Road Campus Research Building (directions). The Oxford University Hospitals website provides information on how to get to the Churchill site adjacent to the Old Road Campus. Go to the green Research Building beside Roosevelt Drive. To reach the Knowledge Centre, there is a revolving door and a separate accessible entrance. The library is on the right-hand side of the main lobby space (opposite café tables).  
  • The main reading room has bookshelves and several desks.
  • There is a cafe located just outside of the library in the main lobby of the building.