Loaning items to other libraries

The Bodleian Library (OX/U-1) Inter-Library Loans department will consider requests for loans or copies from libraries outside Oxford University, both from within the UK and Republic of Ireland and internationally.

We will provide this service to libraries which hold a British Library account or participate in the IFLA voucher scheme. Requests should be made by email to

Lending policy

All loans are strictly for library use only and cannot be taken out of the borrowing library for home reading.

We lend material for 6 weeks and are happy to offer one free renewal per item, provided that the item has not been recalled by our own readers. Please email us to request a renewal.

Items from the following classes of material are not available for lending:

  • pre-1940 material
  • material published within the last five years and received under legal deposit
  • reference material
  • collectable, fragile or unsuitably bound items
  • special collections, including manuscripts, sheet music and maps
  • newspapers and entire journal issues
  • audio-visual materials
  • microfilms
  • CD-ROMs
  • items held on open shelves in reading rooms (we do offer a chapter photocopying service, within copyright guidelines, for these items)
  • dissertations and theses submitted for Oxford University degrees. Libraries may wish to advise their readers to contact Oxford Theses ( directly for advice regarding access and charges for copying, where this is permitted
  • items on reading lists.

Copies of the entire text of out of copyright publications cannot be supplied using this service.

Please note that the Bodleian Library Inter-Library Loans department reserves the right to decline any request for any reason.


For more information or to place a request, contact the Inter-Library Loans department:

Schola Musicae
Bodleian Library
Broad Street

Telephone: +44 (0)1865 277069 

Prices and payment

For UK and Republic of Ireland document supply, we charge standard British Library prices. The payment method for this is by British Library billing account, so please include your account number and request reference number in your initial request.

For international document supply, the preferred payment method is IFLA vouchers. However, we will accept British Library billing accounts as payment for international requests if necessary. These charges are calculated based on our IFLA voucher charges and the current Euro exchange rate and are subject to change based upon postage costs and inflation.

Our international request charges are:

Geographic area Loan (per volume) Scans (less than 50 pages)
Europe 3 2.5
Rest of the world 4.5 2.5


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