History Faculty Library services

This page provides information about services offered by the History Faculty Library at the Radcliffe Camera. Members of the University may also borrow items from the HFL.



Book the History Librarian

For complex questions or research enquiries relating to History and historical sources, you can book a one-to-one session with the History Librarian. Sessions can be used to discuss and solve library-related problems, explore printed and e-resources and library services, or improve information searching skills. Sign up by emailing the History Librarian.


Induction and training sessions

The History Librarian and HFL staff run regular training sessions for undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers on behalf of the History Faculty. This includes library inductions, information skills training and other courses which can help you to improve your searching techniques, find useful e-resources and organize your citations. All sessions are open to University staff and students.


For course convenors

The Bodleian History Librarian attends the History Faculty's Undergraduate Studies Committee. Postholders are encouraged to contact the History Librarian or the HFL Librarian-in-Charge in advance of these meetings to discuss library provision for new or revised History courses (UG and PG).

The HFL can arrange training sessions on demand for individuals or groups. Sessions which could be offered include advanced catalogue searches, literature searches, finding biographical information, staying up to date with research, using e-resources effectively, useful information sources (reference and online), etc. Contact the Bodleian History Librarian to discuss what would best suit you and your students.


For Oxford librarians

Library provision

Undergraduate and taught postgraduate reading lists are on the History Faculty Canvas site (SSO required). Set texts are listed first in reading lists for UG Optional Subjects (OS), Further Subjects (FS) and Special Subjects (SS). Revisions may be published in supplements to the UG Handbooks.  

The HFL aims to list changes to reading lists on this page and email the CCL rep with details of books which might also be useful in college libraries. Contact Rachel D'Arcy-Brown (email rachel.darcy-brown@bodleian.ox.ac.uk or phone 01865 277264) with any queries about reading list provision.

Library Committee

The Committee for Library Provision and Strategy (CLiPS) in History meets every term at 2pm, Friday of week 4.

Other information

Inductions, when scheduled, are advertised online. For any queries or to arrange inductions for visiting students throughout the year, contact the HFL Librarian-in-Charge or phone 01865 277264).