Services for academic staff at the Music Faculty Library

Library committee

The official forum for discussion about library provision in Music is the Committee for Library Provision and Strategy (CLiPS) in Music. The committee meets on the Tuesday of 3rd Week in each term, although academic staff are also welcome to contact the Music Subject Librarian at any time to discuss concerns about library provision and student feedback, etc.  

Research Excellence Framework (REF)  

The Music Subject Librarian can help Music Faculty REF coordinators with finding publications, checking references, who is citing you and depositing your work into ORA.

Course convenors

Course directors are encouraged to contact the Music Subject Librarian or the Deputy Music Librarian to discuss library provision for new or revised Music courses (UG and PG). We appreciate as much notice as possible of such changes so that we can do everything possible to provide for them. The library will prioritise the purchase of electronic material for reading lists, where that material is available and affordable.

Get your students started and trained

Do encourage your students to attend training and workshops offered to students in the use of catalogues, databases, e-journals, etc. Basic induction sessions are provided to new students in their first term and further training can be arranged at other times in such matters as advanced catalogue searches, literature searches, electronic resources, useful information sources (reference & online), etc. Contact the Music Subject Librarian ( if you think we can help your students in this way.