Borrowing at the Continuing Education Library

Who can borrow?

The Continuing Education Library offers borrowing to Oxford University staff and students, summer school students, and students on short courses and distance courses. 

If you are a current student or staff member at Oxford University, find out more about borrowing from Bodleian Libraries, including your borrowing allowances, automatic renewals and returns.  

If you need to borrow books and are on an undergraduate or postgraduate programme at the Department of Continuing Education but do not yet have your University card, please ask at the library desk.

What can be borrowed?

Most books in the library can be borrowed, except items marked 'Library Use Only' on SOLO.

Borrowing allowances

Borrowing allowances for current staff and students of Oxford University apply across all Bodleian Libraries, including the Continuing Education Library. 

Short course and summer school students may only borrow from the Continuing Education Library, and have the following borrowing allowances:

  Items Borrowing period Maximum renewal period Automatic renewals?
Summer school 2 items 2 days - No
Short courses 4 items 14 days 112 days (16 weeks) Yes
Distance courses 20 items 56 days - No


At other Bodleian Libraries, students on distance courses have the same borrowing rights as other taught postgraduates. However, additional loan periods for distance course students apply only to items from Continuing Education collections. 

Renew items

Oxford University staff and students and short course students will have items they have borrowed automatically renewed, where possible

Other library users must manually renew items on or before the due date. You can check when items are due back by signing into SOLO. You will be sent an email reminder when an item is due back to the library. 

You can renew your loans in the following ways:

  • online via SOLO
  • by replying to the email reminder with your renewal request
  • by emailing your request to with your full name and library card barcode number
  • by phoning the library on 01865 270454 and quoting your library card barcode number

You can renew items as many times as you like, unless the item has been requested by another reader, your library membership has expired or you have a block on your account due to overdue items or unpaid fines. If you are having problems renewing, please contact us to discuss this.

Return items

Please return items promptly when they are due back. You can return books by bringing them to the library desk during opening hours, or via the secure book returns box in the reading room at other times.

Lost books

If you think you have lost a library book, please get in touch and let us know. We will usually renew the book for a further 2 weeks to give you a chance to look for it.

If you are sure the book is lost, we will send you an invoice for the replacement cost. If you would prefer to buy a replacement copy, please contact us to discuss this. We can only accept a copy that is in very good condition and the correct edition.

You can pay by card online, post a cheque payable to ‘University of Oxford’ to the library, or pay by cash or cheque in person at the library. We cannot take payment by card in person.